How to get creative with your home to keep the distance learning momentum going!

Alright Mamma we are still here. Distance learning homeschool has not been easy but I want to share with you how we are keeping the momentum going, enjoying the times & hoping that my kids are still learning something. It definitely takes a lot of patience, creativity desk setups & a tall glass of momma juice.


Our schools went back to in person learning about 5 weeks ago 2 mornings a week. Although we are not back 5 days a week the schools have really made sure that in person learning is safe for our students and teachers. With Tudor still learning the majority at home we have had to make sure that learning is fun, engaging and foster his love of learning.

a Creative Desk Setup

Ironically I ordered a Pottery Barn desk when we went into down on lock down in February. Fast forward 6 months…it finally came just in time to start distance learning in September!

Most important to me was a creative, fun desk setup for Tudor that he could call his own space. It had to meet the needs of distance learning and his style. I wanted him to feel comfortable and proud to do his learning at home. I picked a bright blue desk, a blue ‘spinny’ chair with white stars and accented it with his favorite colorful toys. He picked his favorites from his trip to London and Switzerland. The desk even has a hutch that he is able to pin up a photo with all the kids in his class, his weekly distance learning schedule and of course, his favorite drawing of the USS Midway.

Arts and Crafts Area… AKA the kitchen Table

Having your dinning room table as an arts and craft area allows for your kids to get creative and you to keep an eye on them while getting somethings done yourself… although don’t hold the bar to high, baby steps momma.

The kitchen table is a surface that wipes away all most anything and a little elbow grease all kids arts and craft markings can disappear.

Crafts that can then be used for a purpose helps the kids take pride and ownership in their work. The chaos may push me to the edge but the pride they take in their work brings me back with a smile on my face, as I grit my teeth to clean up the paint.

Pro tip: Play music softly in the background to maintain focus just a little bit longer.


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